Oh no! That can be frustrating. In such cases, Alaan will send you an email detailing the transaction and explaining why it was declined.
You can also check the reason for the failure directly from the Alaan mobile app, here’s how:
Step 1: Open the Alaan Mobile App and navigate to the Expenses menu.
Step 2: At the top of the screen, you'll see a filter labeled Failed. Tap it to view only your declined transactions.
Step 3: Select the specific declined expense you'd like to investigate.
Step 4: Once you open the transaction details, you'll see the reason for the decline displayed on the same page.
Common causes of declined transactions
Incorrect details
Make sure you have input the correct PIN or card details, if paying online
Card Status
Go to your Alaan mobile app and check if your card is active. Contact your Admin if the card was frozen or cancelled without your knowledge.
Card limits
Go to your Alaan mobile app and check if your still within your spend limits. Contact your Admin if you require a higher limit.
Funds available
Contact your Admin to understand if funds can be made available for you to complete your transaction.
Contact our Customer Team if you need further help with any transaction.