Issue an Alaan card
Updated this week

Once you have added team members, you can immediately assign cards with spend controls for them.

Step 1: Navigate to the Cards menu on the sidebar panel.

Step 2: Click on New Card on the top right.


Step 3: Select Employee by typing the cardholder name.


Step 4: Create a Card Nickname (e.g., Digital Marketing).

The nickname's sole purpose is to ease the card's identification in Alaan by the cardholder and Admins. The nickname will not be printed on the card.

Step 5: Select the Card Type

  • Physical cards - Usually delivered within three to five business days

  • Virtual cards - Can be activated instantly


Step 6: Choose which Spend Control should be applied to this card and respective Limit.

For example, all-time limits can be useful for one-off purposes, such as a marketing event or an office party, where the limit set can never be exceeded and the amount is not locked to a specific period.


Step 7: Add Category Controls to Allow Only or Block specific merchant categories.


This feature uses Merchant Category Codes (MCC) to know when to allow or block a transaction. MCC are used by card issuers to classify individual purchases according to the type of merchant where they were made.

Step 8: Add a Per transaction limit to help protect your card against mistakes or fraud.


Step 9: Lastly, click Create Card Now to start the card approval flow.


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